Título: Explorando o Encanto do Vietnã: Uma Aventura InesquecívelIntroduçãoQuando se trata de destinos de viagem fascinantes, o Vietnã frequentemente surge como uma opção irresistível para viajantes em busca de experiências autênticas, paisagens deslumbrantes e uma rica herança cultural. Com uma mistura de história, gastronomia delicio… Read More

Julho de 2013: Polícia Metropolitana por Londres diz ter "novas evidências e novas testemunhas" de modo a o caso e abre uma investigação oficialJulia Wendell, who has shared unsubstantiated claims on social media saying that she is Madeleine McCann, says that she hopes to be in contact with Kate and Gerry McCann in the coming daysMeanwhile, a s… Read More

She also appears to share the same rare eye disorder as McCann’s, a coloboma abnormality, which was highlighted by investigators after McCann’s disappearance to help identify her. Wendell says hers has faded over time.In April 2017 the four official suspects investigated by police are ruled out of the investigation but senior officers say they … Read More

She also appears to share the same rare eye disorder as McCann’s, a coloboma abnormality, which was highlighted by investigators after McCann’s disappearance to help identify her. Wendell says hers has faded over time."It is important to note the 'arguido' has not yet been charged with any specific crime related to Madeleine's disappearance.The… Read More